“Unbelief” (Ezekiel Chapter 20, Part 5)

A prophecy is put forth: like a fire that burns the green and withered trees alike, God’s judgement will come to the righteous and unrighteous of Judah in the same manner.

Ezekiel Chapter 20 is as much a warning to the people of Judah as it is a warning to the modern world. God’s judgement will be bestowed on us all. Do not make the mistake to think that judgement or correction will not come to you. Take a look at your walk with Christ, do you lack discipline? Do you lack direction?

The sin in our world is not happenstance. It is a result of a multitude walking against the Word of God. It is a result of unbelief. Are you living in unbelief? Do you know someone that is living in unbelief of the Bible? Unbelief condemns people.

It is a lack of discipline and direction, but it can be corrected.  If we stay in rebelliousness  and disobedience the only thing left for us is the fire of the Lord.

Instead get in the word. Follow God’s word instead of what the world, your parents, and your neighbors are doing.  Simply, follow God.