There’s a Difference

We read in Luke 16:19-31 about Lazarus and the Rich Man.  Lazarus and the Rich man lived lives that were very different. One was bound for Heaven and one was bound for Hell.

This is much like what we experience in our own society.  One family is healthy and doing well and the next house down we see sickness and struggle. Lazarus didn’t have much in life, he was thrown away by others in death, but he gained everything in Heaven.  The Rich Man had everything he thought needed and more, he was likely not thrown away in his death, and yet he lost everything in his eternal damnation in Hell.

It doesn’t matter what you have.  It doesn’t matter what your talents are. It doesn’t matter how full your bank account is. It matters if you have a relationship with God, it matters that you accept the gift of Jesus’ sacrifice, and it matters what God thinks of you. Wealth doesn’t equal Hell, being poor doesn’t equal Heaven.  Your acceptance of God determines where you will spend eternity.

Remember people, God doesn’t send people to Hell.  Your choices do. Where are your choices leading you today? Are you willing to make the choice today to follow God at all costs?