The Book of Ezekiel: Chapter 22: 13-31

Ezekiel Chapters 22 – 24 focus on four final events. The end of Jerusalem, The God of the Kingdom, The end of the delusion, and the end of the Marriage of God and Israel. These chapters mark the end of the ruling of a theocratic kingdom to that of the Gentiles. This depicts the loss of the glory of the Lord and the fall of Jerusalem.  Ezekiel focuses on the incredible change that is occurring during these chapters.

The first twelve chapters of Ezekiel 22 depicted a defiled people. People that were following other God’s, not following God’s commandments, and not keeping the sabbath.  The end of Ezekiel 22 shows us an angry God who is ready to bring judgement on Israel.  The people of Israel were doomed and now debased.  The princes, the priests, the false prophets, and the people of the land were all identified as a problem in Israel.

We are facing the same situation in America.  No one is innocent in the degradation of America. We as Christians have a duty to pray for our nation and healing. But are we?  Are we doing what we can to affect change or are we like the priests in Ezekiel who are tied up in the world?