The Book of Ezekiel: Ch. 18, Part 3

Ezekiel 18:24-32

Are we as passionate about the Lord as the Lord was towards the sinners in Ezekiel?

God is a pro-life God. He wants us to live. How we live and what we do in this life matters to God.

1 John 1:5 tells us that God is light and in Him there is no darkness.

Ch. 18 answers the psychologists of our day who blame behaviors of individuals on others. The truth is you are a sinner. Every individual stands before God and they cannot blame anyone but themselves for the life they have lived.  Whether you are a believer or not, you will stand before God and account for your life. One sin, and one sin alone, brings the full wrath of God. God invites us to repent and LIVE.

Repentance equals change. You cannot repent and continue to live as you were before.  Instead of saying the sinner’s prayer and adopting the attitude that you can do what you want, you should say, “I am saved, so I can do what God wants me to do”.

Despite the rebelliousness, obstinance, and ignorance of the people in Ezekiel, God still offered them life. And today God offers you life. Will you truly and fully accept Christ’s plea for your life?  Will you turn around and plead on behalf of God to your neighbors, coworkers, family, and friends?