Lessons From the Mountain Top: Mount Horeb

1 Kings 19:1-18

Have you ever had a time in your life where you had a great victory, followed by a huge defeat? This is what Elijah is experiencing as he is running from Jezreel to Beersheba to evade the wrath of Jezebel after hearing the bad news from Jezebel’s messenger.

Elijah is enduring a spiritual and mental battle in his fear of Jezebel. He feels as though he has failed and after fleeing as far as he can goes he stops and prayed for death.  God sends His messenger to lift Elijah out of his despair.

The Lord was revealing himself in strong winds, an earthquake, and fire – but Elijah did not respond until he heard God’s voice.  Elijah’s main concern was whether or not God still loved him and cared for him despite his perceived failures. Elijah recognized God’s voice and realized that God was THERE.

When we feel that all the effort we are putting into God’s work isn’t enough or it isn’t working, stop. Don’t listen to what YOU think has gone wrong.  Listen for God’s small voice. God is not done with you. God has more work for you to do.  Nothing will ever work perfectly, but God is still there and there is still more for you to do.  He will pick you up, feed you, and strengthen you in ways only He can do. Then you can step up and do more for the Lord.