Lessons From the Mountain Top: Mount Hermon

The main question that comes to mind when we read about the transfiguration on Mount Hermon is: “Why?”.  What was the purpose of Jesus revealing his identity to Peter, John, and James on the Mount? Who is He?

Jesus looked like any other average man.  He was not the perfect image of Jesus that we see in artwork.  He was a carpenter that worked like any other man and would have blended into the crowd.

The transfiguration is the very first time that the spiritual reality of who Jesus is enters the earthly realm.

Theological lesson from transfiguration:

  1. Everybody needs to come to a point where Jesus is more than “other than”. He is more than your “best friend”, He must be obeyed, adored, and worshipped. He is a Savior. He is God. We must conform ourselves to Him.
  2. Everyone needs to come to their own point of metamorphosis. We must be transformed in our own lives.  We are not supposed to be the same after receiving Christ, we are supposed to become someone NEW. (Galatians 6:14, Ephesian 4:22)

Is Christ being seen through you, or is Christ hidden in you?  The only way to successfully live the Christian life is to die in Him and let Him live through you.

How is your transformation going?