Giving Back

Psalm 116:12 “What shall I render unto the LORD for all his benefits toward me?”


Your very life is a gift from God.  Every breath that you take, and every moment you are on this Earth is overseen by the Lord. Matthew Chapter 10 reminds us that even when a sparrow falls to the ground God knows it.  In the same manner, whatever you are going through, wherever you have come from, God oversaw.  When you are brought low, God will help. God will be there. When you are walking through moments that are troublesome and difficult, try Jesus. Look to God for all things and we will provide what you NEED.

What can you give back to the Lord?

  1. Time, accept the gift of salvation and spend time with the Lord.
  2. Vows, fulfill the vows you make to God.
  3. Thanksgiving, offer thanksgiving for the gift of salvation and all that the Lord does for you.

Today, our world is broken.  More broken every day, what the world needs from Christians is your willingness to give back to God by turning around and serving others.  Service to others