Ezekiel Chapter 20, Part 4

In Chapter 20 of Ezekiel, Ezekiel is speaking to the leader of Israel and giving them a warning. He admonishes their behavior and implores them to not do the following:

  1. Do not follow the example of their parents.
  2. Do not follow their wicked neighbors.
  3. Do not allow themselves to be involved with false worship and with the world.

This is a lesson still to us today.  Anything that we put before God is an idol.  What we give our best attention to is our god in our life.  We know that nothing and no one should come before God. Most people, even “Christians”, give God very little thought, if any at all.  Why!?  We are ignoring what we know to fulfill our own will instead of God’s will.


God is a God who lifts us up. He comes where we are, brings us out of brokenness.  He does not lower standards in order to save us, instead He raises us up to Him. God and only God can lift you up to a higher place of joy.  God and only God can change your life.

Do you want to continue living where your standards have left you? Or do you want to be risen up and meet the expectations of God? That is what you must choose today.