Ezekiel Ch.20, Part 1

Ezekiel 20 – We can see from this that Ezekiel’s prophecy has gone several years now. The elders have come to inquire of him, how soon the siege on Judah and Jerusalem would be over, and when they could go back to their homeland? It appears this is about the time that many of the false prophets are saying the siege and captivity is to be over very soon. This is exactly what they want to hear from Ezekiel. It appears from this, that God promptly answered Ezekiel, when the elders inquired of Him.

God is angered with these elders. He does not even like them inquiring of Him. They had, probably, been listening to all the prophets, false and true. They had not been eager in the past to take instruction from God on their conduct. He will not help them figure out the time, or the seasons. They had been a stiff-necked people. God refuses to tell them the time, or season.

Son of man is speaking of Ezekiel. God tells Ezekiel to judge them. God wants Ezekiel to remember their sins, and their father’s sins that had gotten them in this place. Their sins had caused the captivity. God will not answer their inquiry.

God answers the request of those who are righteous, not those who have committed so many abominations. “The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much”.